This is a grim time–and certainly an existentially challenging time. It is also a time when we rightly turn to our medical caregivers for life-changing interventions and support. We look to our political leaders, at least the ones we can trust, to turn the gears of government in a healing direction. But far too often we forget to turn to artistic and philosophical sources that provide existential sustenance at a time when psychospiritual “remedies” are spare and the sense of helplessness abounds. I’m speaking of “specialists” in the art of “response-ability” in the face of grave perils, such as Viktor Frankl in “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Albert Camus in “The Plague,” and Rollo May in “Freedom and Destiny.” In this interview with Broadcast Journalist Isabella Clarke, we have an intimate discussion about the latter purviews as well as the role of existential-humanistic and existential-integrative approaches to our trying times.” ~ Dr. Kirk Schneider
This interview was conducted by U.K. Broadcast journalist and Shrink Rap Radio blogger, Isabella Clarke on March 29, 2020.