Recommended: Working With the Grieving Client

EHNW Lunch-n-Learn

Working With the Grieving Client: Using existential humanist principles to support the client on their journey

Facilitated by: Adam Marx, MA, Professional Counselor Associate

This workshop, hosted by EHNW in Portland, Oregon, is designed for therapists who wish to deepen their work with grieving clients through the lens of existential humanist counseling principles. Participants will focus on the concepts of being versus doing, process versus content, inclusion not amputation, and others.


Salon: The Psychotherapeutic Relationship

EHI is excited to be continuing the new series of experiential salons into the new year. The intention for these salons is to honor EHI's commitment to experiential learning as well as the time honored group process of discussion and integration.

On January 30th, EHI is hosting a two-hour virtual community space for encountering The Therapeutic Relationship. Personal, relational, and cosmological aspects are considered in group discussion, practical demonstration, dyad engagement, and will be flexible to follow emergent wishes from the group.

Facilitated by: Sonja Saltman, EHI Core Instructor and Josh Diliberto, EHI Teaching Assistant


Strategies that Deepen Therapeutic Presence: An Existential-Humanistic Perspective w/ Orah Krug, PhD, LMFT

Save the Date!

Online Workshop

The workshop offers practical strategies for therapists to enhance their therapeutic presence, a fundamental aspect of effective therapy. Participants will learn through discussion and demonstration how to cultivate a deeper connection with clients by actively following the therapeutic process and offering insightful process comments. Process comments deepen the work by focusing for example, not simply on the “problem” the client brings to therapy but on their way of relating to the problem. 

$10 – $25

May Retreat: Existential-Humanistic Therapy: Principles of Practice

A Deeper Dive Into E-H Therapy Practice

The experiential intensive involves a combination of relationship-building, learning of theoretical foundations, and first-hand experiences wherein theory comes to life.

Hands-On Experiential Training!

Engage in intensive, immersive experiential learning

Practice working in the "here and now" with an E-H focus

Learn to build the therapeutic relationship using E-H skills

Experience how E-H therapy is practiced up close and personally

Join professionals/graduate students in a facilitated and safe environment