The Society of Humanistic Psychology 17th Annual Conference
How can humanistic psychology actualize itself today to meet the needs of a fast-paced, distracted, survival-focused, experientially-avoidant, interpersonally-isolated, rating- and metric-centered, systems-blind, toxically-masculine, xenophobic, inequitized, traumatized, polarized, technocratic, post-truth, post-pandemic society-in-transition? Paradoxically, to accomplish that undertaking, “Old Saybrook 3” also celebrates the wisdom of our elders and reminds us not to turn a blind eye to their rich and enriching intellectual and experiential contributions. How might we demonstrate that humanistic psychology is, far from being a mere historical relic, well-equipped in its core values and theory/philosophy, pluralistic methods, and robust, decades-long canon of research/scholarship to resonate with the 2020s zeitgeist? And, with that, what can we do to promote an I-Thou way of being in an increasingly I-It world?