EHNW Workshop 4 Masters 4 Approaches September 2021

Recommended Fall Conference: 4 Masters, 4 Approaches

Early Bird Tickets Available Through July 31st! 

Save up to $45 off!

Four Masters, Four Approaches: An Exploration of Existential Theory and Practice

Friday – Sunday, Sept. 24th – 26th, 2021 PDT

Our friends at Existential-Humanistic Northwest are excited to announce that for the first time, the four contemporary leaders of the four major existential psychotherapy schools of thought will come together and present their specific theories and approaches, followed by a live demonstration of how they work with a volunteer.  The conference will conclude with a panel of all four presenters.

Over the course of the three days, participants will be able to experience the work of these four masters:

  • Emmy van Deurzen, PhD presents on Existential-Phenomenological Therapy
  • Erik Craig, PhD presents on Daseinsanalysis
  • Alfried Längle, MD, PhD presents on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
  • Kirk Schneider, PhD presents on Existential-Humanistic and Existential-Integrative Therapy
  • Sunday Panel of all four Masters moderated by Bob Edelstein


Tickets:  All tickets include the panel presentation and access to the panel video after the conference. You can select the full weekend ticket to attend all four individual presentations or buy a ticket to attend a single presentation. Following the event you will receive access to view recordings of the presentations that correspond to your ticket purchase (e.g., a full weekend ticket will have access to all four presentations, whereas an individual ticket may only access that presentation and panel).

Pricing:  Tickets are divided between Professionals and Students. EHNW Affiliate members in either group are eligible for discounted pricing.  Become an Affiliate!

Early Registration Pricing: Purchase your ticket by midnight July 31st PDT to receive an Early Registration Discount.

CEUs: Up to 14 CEUs pending.

International Tickets (Now Economic Equalizing Ticket): It was brought to our attention that the pricing of tickets is not equitable around the world. We have created a ticket for Mexico, Central America, and South America.

Economic Equalizing Professional Ticket: This ticket is meant for professional individuals who can not afford the conference due to economic inequalities anywhere in the world. The International Ticket has been rolled into this ticket to be more inclusive.


Conference Host: EHNW

Existential-Humanistic Northwest (EHNW) EHNW is here to impact the world through Existential-Humanistic values of authenticity, integrity, responsibility, inclusion, and awe. EHNW enlivens and enriches human experience through our commitment to being present with ourselves, others, society, and the mystery of life. We serve the healing professions, our clients, and the public through dialogue, education, training, and advocacy. EHNW offers workshops, professional presentations, and salons.

Contact EHNW

Reach out to Dave F. at EHNW with your questions. 

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EHNW regularly hosts Salons, Workshops and Lunch & Learn events. Visit EHNW’s Events page for more listings.

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