Orah Krug presents “Lessons From an Existential-Humanistic Training Program” during the DIV32 Conference of the American Psychological Association held February 28 to March 3, 2013, about directing the Existential-Humanistic Institute’s (EHI) Certificate Program in Existential-Humanistic Therapy. She outlines the history of the program and lessons learned along the way that inform the current focus of the program.
Hear student voices about their experiences in the program and how the students’ experiences and feedback have contributed to growth of the program.
The Renewal of Humanism: Lessons from an Existential-Humanistic Training Program – PDF
Orah Krug, DIV32 6th Annual APA Conference: Spring, 2013
Orah T. Krug, Ph.D., is a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in Oakland, CA. She is a faculty member of Saybrook University, an editor for the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, a founding member of EHI, and the 2012-2017 Clinical Training Director. EHI has two certificate programs, one in partnership with Saybrook University that offers a Certificate in the Foundations of Existential-Humanistic Practice. (Information about the certificate programs is at: Certificate in the Foundations of E-H Practice.) Most recently, Dr. Krug co-authored a textbook with Dr. Kirk Schneider entitled, Existential-Humanistic Therapy, part of a monograph series for the American Psychological Association. She has produced two videos entitled, Conversations with Jim and “Joe” A Demonstration of the Consultation Process, with James Bugental. Her current research focuses on the relationship between existential meaning-making processes and therapeutic change.