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Building Bridges, Community, and Understanding in Psychology

There will be 8 Live, Main Stage Sessions (3 on Friday, 3 on Saturday, and 2 on Sunday). Most sessions are 90 minutes in length and each offers 1.5 live CE credits. One session on Sunday is 60 minutes and offers 1 Live CE credit. Attend all 8 sessions and earn 11.5 CE credits.

Explore the Agenda to see the sessions and speaker details.

Recommended Sessions:

The Polarized Mind and What We Can Do About It

Kirk Schneider, PhD
Saturday, April 17th 12pm -1:30pm w/ a Meet the Speaker 1:30pm to 2pm

The polarized mind is the fixation on a single point of view to the utter exclusion of competing points of view and is one of the chief bases for personal and interpersonal destructiveness. Dr. Schneider will explain how this is one of the most pressing problems today, and will discuss and demonstrate a conflict mediation approach aimed at depolarizing the polarized mind. This approach, which is a synthesis of his work with the group process format of “Braver Angels USA” as well as the phenomenologically based “experiential democracy dialogue,” has been shown to stem stereotyping and bolster human civility.

At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to

1.  Define the “polarized mind.”

2. Describe two phases of the Experiential Democracy Dialogue.

3. Apply two skills from the Experiential Democracy Dialogue to their clinical or counseling practices.

Existential Meaning-Making: The Heart of Therapeutic Change

Orah Krug, PhD w/ Stephanie Weissman, PsyD
Saturday, April 17th 3pm to 4:30pm with a Meet the Speaker 4:30pm to 5pm

Recent research has identified “contextual factors”—and not specific techniques or treatments—as overwhelmingly responsible for effective therapy in general. Several prominent researchers have suggested that existential meaning-making may be foundational for transformational healing and change.  Existential theory challenges the notion of a world made up objects, and subjects who perceive those objects. Instead, it argues that subjects actually participate in constituting their realities by making meanings from their experiences in the real world. Dr. Krug will explain how consciousness, personal freedom and responsibility take root in this reflective process, often resulting in the creation of new meanings and new ways of being with self, others, and the world.

At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Define and describe existential meaning-making.
  2. Explain how and why it is foundational to therapeutic change.
  3. Apply the lessons from experiential exercises to using the meaning-making process in their work as clinicians

Ally or Accomplice? The Human Cost of Racism

Theopia Jackson, PhD
Sunday, April 18 11:30am-1pm with a Meet the Speaker from 1pm-1:30pm

The murder of George Floyd shined a light on the persistent complexities of racism in America, serving as a catalyst for change. The wisdom of youth teaches that many of us are now Woke! and with increased awareness comes increased responsibility. There has been an uptick of attention to what it means to be an ally or accomplice. What is the distinction?  To what end? Dr. Jackson will interrogate the human cost of racism as it relates to the actualization of becoming an ally or accomplice and the implications for the practice of psychology.

At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the difference between being an ally or accomplice and the implications for practice.
  • Describe and critique the human cost associated with becoming an ally or accomplice.
  • Articulate at least three (3) suggested paradigm shifts for the field of psychology