Fostering Authenticity: Character Analytic and Somatic Interventions
in Contemporary Orgone (Reichian) Therapy
Friday, February 10th, from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Virtual by Zoom: (webinar details provided after registration)
All Tickets: $10.00 | Affiliates attend FREE
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All humanistic and existentially based therapies share the understanding that many of the symptoms that clients bring to therapy stem from their inability to live an authentic life. The fostering of authenticity is therefore one of their primary goals. Contemporary Orgone (Reichian) Therapy, a humanistic/existential therapeutic approach based upon the integration of Wilhelm Reich’s character analytic and bioenergetic therapy, gestalt therapy, person-centered therapy and self psychology, approaches this endeavor through addressing the cognitive, emotional, behavioral and somatic defenses that prevent one from making full contact with their authenticity. It is this interlacing of defenses which Reich termed armor. Armor is a literal somatic and psychological wall which, though formed as a means of protection in the process of development, unfortunately prevents one from making direct contact with self and other and thus prevents one from living an authentic life. In this talk Daniel will present the basic theoretical and therapeutic principals which guide Contemporary (Orgone) Reichian Therapy practice and through a case presentation portray some steps taken on the therapeutic road to authenticity.
Daniel Schiff, PhD is a psychologist in private practice in Portland, Oregon with 45 years of clinical experience in the practice of somatic psychotherapy from a Reichian/Gestalt perspective. He was first exposed to the work of Wilhelm Reich, Fritz Perls and Carl Rogers in the early 1970’s and has incorporated Reich’s character analytic and somatic focus, gestalt therapy’s ‘here and now’ process orientation, and the humanistic/existential approach in his clinical work and teaching ever since. Formerly on the adjunct graduate faculty at Antioch University and Argosy University, he currently teaches somatic psychology in Lewis and Clark’s graduate school of counseling. As director of the Somatic Psychotherapy Training Institute-PNW he teaches an introductory course in somatic psychotherapy, a four-year training program in Contemporary Orgone (Reichian) Therapy, and provides clinical supervision for both therapists seeking licensure and licensed practitioners. More information at